Key Area of Action:

  1. Work closely with all school departments, provide service learning opportunities, implement life education, establish a caring, healthy campus, foster positive values of students, allow students to grow and develop in full.
  2. Through individual counseling, preventive and developmental activities are held in order to: strengthen students’ resilience, foster positive values of students, develop multi-intelligence, enhance self-esteem and sense of accomplishment, establish a healthy, caring and inclusive campus.
  3. Through early identification of students with special needs, we offer individual coaching to students and their family, tailored-made programs, learning groups and activities.
  4. School and parents are in fact a team and we help parents to better understand the ability and uniqueness of their children so that we can and assist parents and students to have a better planning for their future.
  5. To improve the quality and skills in counseling among teachers, professional development by means of seminars and workshops are held and joint regularly.

Recent activities:

(1) BBQ

(2)Interest Group @Lunchtime

(3) Booths @Rainbow Square

(4) Leadership 

(5) Talk

(6) 積極人生大使訓練計劃 @EDB